Monday, 28 November 2011

Billboard magazine contents page analysis

This Billboard contents page is well presented. Most things are in order. You have the No.1 charts in a big column on the left side of the page. This is separated from the rest of the contents by a thin blue line. On the right side there are features listed, some information at the bottom of the page and four images of artists. There is big variety of font styles on the contents page to possibly make it appeal well to the reader. A good font style has been used on the masthead, it associates well with the genre of the magazine. The font also ranges in different sizes as well. A lot the headings and sub headings use fairly big fonts to catch the readers eye. The language of the longer text is formal whereas the short snappy headings and sub headings are informal. In the colour scheme there are a number of bright and dark colours used for example blue and black. The vibrant colours stop the contents page from looking dull whereas the darker colours add maturity. The colour blue is used for the sub headings, it causes them to stand out against the bland text. In the four main images the artists are wearing suitable clothing for the genre. The shot type used which is mostly mid shots emphasis their power and passion for music. The images seemed to be grouped up together, this is an effective layout. If the images were scattered across the contents it would make it look cluttered      

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