Wednesday 14 December 2011

Institution Research

There are many pop music magazines out there which are similar to the one I want to produce. I have researched about the company InterMedia Partners which are well known for producing the music magazine Vibe. They are also known for other firms such as Thomas Nelson, Universal Sports, @Home Network, InterMedia Outdoors which is another magazine and WAPA-TV. The music magazine Vibe is targeted towards young, urban followers of Hip-hop culture. Another similar company is IPC media they are responsible for the famous music magazine NME. The company mainly concentrates on magazines. It groups its titles of magazines under three divisions firstly Connect which is aimed at mass market women, then there’s SouthBank it’s aimed at upmarket women and finally Inspire, men are its main core audience.  

Audience Research

From my questionnaire I have gathered that the target audience for my genre of music which is pop are young teenager’s especially young girls. A lot of the questions answered in my questionnaire support this. The reason why the genre of music attracts this specific target audience is due to the contents of the magazine and how it is presented. The majority of teenagers and young girls appeal to things such as vibrant colour schemes, simple and informal language, and stylish fonts. Usually in music magazines there is an image of one or more artists, this also appeals to the target audience because they would recognize them and could possibly be someone’s idol. For example the song artist BeyoncĂ© appeals massively to young teenage girls. As well as the presentation of the magazine appealing to young teenagers, the contents have a major impact too. The writing in a pop music magazine is directed to its target audience, the contents and the way the writing is worded appeals to them. The research into my target audience has given me a better understanding of how to make my music magazine. I have found out what colour schemes, language techniques, and images to use to appeal to the specific target audience.